It's been quite a while since I update my blog. Been bz I guess. Ya...very bz. Attending my kids, baby, hubby, housechores etc...etc....With Yati ard has help me a lot with household chores. Even though, she's quite blur and need to explain 2 her over and over again. But overall she able to handle e task given 2 her w/o complain. Hopefully she able 2 complete her 2 yrs with us. Hubby is OT 2day, even though 2day is his Off Day. Guess he has 2 work harder due 2 recession.
My collegue is affected, end of this month will b his last day. Feel sorry & sad for him. I even cry wen Boss announce tat he is goin 2 let him go. I'm quite shock, didn't xpected tings wld turn out tis way. I tried 2 talk wif Boss 2 let him stay, let him stay in off ans calls, cut pay etc...etc....but I respect & understand Boss decision. Due 2 economic turndown, things like this sooner or later will still happen. It's just matter of time. But I thank god that Boss is not retrenching me or else have 2 start job hunting once again. But it won't be easy 2 get other job as fun and interesting like Falcon. Being one of e Falcon, has taught me lots of things and meet lots of interesting people & customers.
I get 2 met Ms Penny Low (MP Pasir Ris Punggol). I'm surprised 2 see her @ Start. She is happy 2 see me. E last time I saw her when I'm expecting e 3rd child. Me & Boss even take a picture with her.
Recently Cheong has invited me to particpate in Ad200 for 2010. Feel relunctant at first as I don't think I'm able...ops.....no nt able but qualified shld I say.....to wheel till 200km like Dennis did 4 tis year. But 4 Dennis using mtr w/c, guess e tiring part will b controlling e joystick. Cheong's plan is manual and handcycle w/c. Guess lots of training involved. Especially arm muscle. According 2 Cheong's nothing schedule yet, still on plan.